Thursday, 5 June 2014

How to refuse a request ?


Requests are mostly related to the approval and grant for something. A person can receive the requests from friends, Non Government Organisations, business partners and from social sites.

Sometimes requests get refused because of various reasons. Some of them are:

  • If the request is related to donation by a charity to the company, then the company may refuse it
  • If the letter is not written in the positive tone, then the receiver may reject the request
  • If the letter contains too much stuff to read and the main idea is not written correctly then it may get refused
  • If the request letter is written in informal pattern , then it may get refused
  • If the request letter contains unreasonable stuff, then it may get refused

A company in the business world can also face refusal of request from tenders and while purchasing raw-material. If a company do not want to donate money to charity then it can refuse the request by mentioning the reason that why the company can not donate money. They can mention the reasons like the sales decline and organisational downsizing. Moreover, invitations to speak or make a presentation can also be rejected by using the words like I can not or I do not want to.

The person who is not approving the request letter should clearly mention the reason that why he/she is not approving it. Most of the times , in the company the boss rejects the requests letter by the employers because they all want holidays on the same day and for same period.

I think that refusal of requests should be done in the proper manner by giving the appropriate reason of rejection of request. Moreover, it is not mandatory of approve every request and reject every request.

There are different types of request that are refused or accepted according to the situations. I will discuss some of those types in my next postings.


  1. Hi
    I read your blog about "how to refuse request". I really like the way you explained the topic .
    I know that its quite difficult to refuse someones requests but it is also important to refuse it in proper manner.
