It is seen many times that public authorities receives requests for information. The requests can be related to authorities personal information.
The requests can be refused in many circumstances like:
- It cost too much to authority
- It will take too much time time to give the information
- The request is repeated by the same person as he/she had asked previously
- It can be trouble for authority if they accept the requests
Sometimes the authority gives the requester the information he/she asked about. If the authority is not going to give a specific part of authorities information then they should send a written notice to the requester with the reason that why they are not willing to answer it.
While giving requester the information you should do following things:
- Give requester some piece of data asked for, without giving them the opportunity to say the part they would like to get
- Neglect to tell the requester why you think you can not give the data inside as far as possible
- Inform the requester on the wording with respect to a narrower ask for yet then decline that ask for an the same premise