Thursday, 26 June 2014

When we refuse a request for information?

It is seen many times that public authorities receives requests for information. The requests can be related to authorities personal information.

The requests can be refused in many circumstances like:

  • It cost too much to authority
  • It will take too much time time to give the information
  • The request is repeated by the same person as he/she had asked previously
  • It can be trouble for authority if they accept the requests

Sometimes the authority gives the requester the information he/she asked about. If the authority is not going to give a specific part of authorities information then they should send a written notice to the requester with the reason that why they are not willing to answer it.

While giving requester the information you should do following things:
  • Give requester some piece of data asked for, without giving them the opportunity to say the part they would like to get
  • Neglect to tell the requester why you think you can not give the data inside as far as possible
  • Inform the requester on the wording with respect to a narrower ask for yet then decline that ask for an the same premise

Moreover, there is one more thing that you should get the written agreement by the requester that they will pay the extra costs spent in collecting the information.

Referenced source:

Thursday, 19 June 2014

How to refuse to answer a question?


Sometimes a person ask you a question and you are not willing to answer the question. The reason of not answering the question can be as follows:

  • Related to the personal life
  • It can also be your choice for not sharing your views with other person
  • The answer can hurt the person who asked the question
  • It may be painful for you to discuss
  • You may not be feeling comfortable to answer that question

In the situation, when you are not willing to answer the asked question to the respondent you can say that " I'd prefer not to answer it".

The other ways to refuse the questions are:
  • Flip that question back to the person who ask you that question
  • You can also stay silent for the moment if you do not want to answer the question
  • You can also choose the choice of not giving straight forward answer

Most of the times the questions which we refuse to answer are asked by our friend and the persons who are close to us.

In the company, the BOSS having personal question which are related to your personal matter and life. In such type of situation, the employee can refuse to answer that question through reply to the e-mail.

Reference sourced:

Thursday, 12 June 2014

How to refuse requests on Facebook?


Nowadays, social sites are the most famous source of making friends around the world. People like to communicate with each other using these sites like: Facebook, Twitter, E-mail, Whats app and many other.

The most popular site these days is Facebook. Most of the teenagers have their account on this social site. They use it for:
  • Chatting with friends
  • Uploading their own photos, status that means thoughts

Facebook profile of a person include his/her photo it can be original or fake.Personal information of the person is available on Facebook in his/her account like:  living place, where he/she is from, what he/she is doing,what he/she like to do as recreational activity.

Any one can send request to any person. When a person has send the request to other person after that he/she can  also cancel the request. The person who receive requests from other person can see the whole profile of that person. Moreover, a person can report/block a person if that person is creating inconvenience for him/her on the Facebook.

When a person receives requests from other person there comes an icon of Confirm and Ignore. I this case if the person wants to add that person his/her friend list he/she should select the Confirm option otherwise he/she can choose Ignore option to ignore that request.
The person can bother other person in many ways.
 For instance:
  • Doing unwanted messages
  • Doing tagging in inappropriate photos and thoughts
Reference sourced:

I would like to ask you two questions that :
  1. If you have your account on Facebook what do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of using this social site ?
  2. Have you ever received the requests from unknown person and what have you done?

Thursday, 5 June 2014

How to refuse request from your friend for money loan?


Friends can also request his/her friend for money loan. In some cases, a person may or may not be able to approve the request.

If one of your friend request a loan from you and you do not have money then you can say NO to his request or " I wish I could help, but I simply don't have it".

If you have money but don't want to loan it for your friend. Then through letter make your friend understandable that why you do not want to loan money for him/her by giving him/her the purpose for which you have saved the money "understand ...I've been in the same position myself".

Sometimes one friend can also ask you for money loan just to see your friendship. In these cases firstly you should find out that for what reason he want money? If he want to buy some unimportant gadgets with it then you can refuse to it's requests but if he/she have family crisis the you could approve the request.

I think that before saying yes to your friend for loan you should make sure yourself that you are making right decision or not. The better option is to ask your friend that you will make decision within 1 or 2 days and think properly about your decision. Do not make false promise to your friend that you will give him/her money if you are not having money in reality.

Reference source

I would like to ask readers of this post one question :
  • Is it necessary to get legal written draft agreement from your friend which will be the proof that you had given him/her money ?

How to refuse a request ?


Requests are mostly related to the approval and grant for something. A person can receive the requests from friends, Non Government Organisations, business partners and from social sites.

Sometimes requests get refused because of various reasons. Some of them are:

  • If the request is related to donation by a charity to the company, then the company may refuse it
  • If the letter is not written in the positive tone, then the receiver may reject the request
  • If the letter contains too much stuff to read and the main idea is not written correctly then it may get refused
  • If the request letter is written in informal pattern , then it may get refused
  • If the request letter contains unreasonable stuff, then it may get refused

A company in the business world can also face refusal of request from tenders and while purchasing raw-material. If a company do not want to donate money to charity then it can refuse the request by mentioning the reason that why the company can not donate money. They can mention the reasons like the sales decline and organisational downsizing. Moreover, invitations to speak or make a presentation can also be rejected by using the words like I can not or I do not want to.

The person who is not approving the request letter should clearly mention the reason that why he/she is not approving it. Most of the times , in the company the boss rejects the requests letter by the employers because they all want holidays on the same day and for same period.

I think that refusal of requests should be done in the proper manner by giving the appropriate reason of rejection of request. Moreover, it is not mandatory of approve every request and reject every request.

There are different types of request that are refused or accepted according to the situations. I will discuss some of those types in my next postings.